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Pymetrozine 50% WDG


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Feantures and benefits
  1. Strong systemic and conductive.Pests stop feeding and die of starvation

  2. Biomedicine, degradable, does not hurt flowers or fruits

  3. Fast efficacy and strong penetration, effective period of up to 15 days

Spectrum of Action and Suggested Uses

Crop Target Dosage(g/ha) Method
Rice Rice   planthopper 150-180g Spray
Wheat Aphid 75-150g Spray
Cotton Aphid 300-450g Spray
Apple, Peach Aphid 2500-5000   times liquid Spray
Celery Aphid 1500-2000   times liquid Spray
Strawberry Aphid 1000-1500   times liquid Spray
Watermelon, Melon Aphid 750-1000   times liquid Spray
Flowers & Plants Aphid 1500-2000   times liquid Spray

稻飞虱Rice planthopper

Rice   planthopper

蚜虫 Aphid

