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Glufosinate-ammonium 200g/L AS


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Features and benefits
  1. Rapid action, long effective period, no residue and resistant to rain erosion

  2. Wide weeding range, especially for those malignant weeds with glyphosate resistance

  3. Relatively safe for users and lignified crop roots, bark and tropical shallow root fruit trees

Spectrum of action and suggested uses
Crop Target Dosage Method
Non-cultivated   land Weeds 6000-9000   ml/ha Spray on   stem and leaf

小飞蓬Erigeron canadensis

Erigeron canadensis

牛筋草 Eleusine indica2

Eleusine indica

看麦娘Alopecurus aequalis

Alopecurus aequalis

稗草barnyard grass

Barnyard Grass
