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Azoxystrobin 25% SC


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Feantures and benefits
  1. It has both protective and therapeutic effects.

  2. Broad-spectrum fungicide, high fungicidal activity.

Spectrum of action and suggested uses

Crops Target Dosage Method
Grape Downy   mildew 1:   1000-2000 spray
Cucumber Powdery   mildew 900-1350   ml/ha spray
Cucumber Downy   mildew 720-960   ml/ha spray
Rice Sheath   blight 975-1050   ml/ha spray

霜霉病Downy mildew

Downy   mildew

纹枯病Sheath blight

Sheath blight

白粉病Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew
